Getting The Ball Rolling

In the world of construction and renovation, preparation and foresight are everything. Understanding the timeline for exploring design options, securing statutory consent, and lining up building contractors is crucial. Allow us to walk you through this process and explain why it’s imperative to start your journey sooner rather than later.

The Reality

Often, clients underestimate the length of time it takes to move from the idea of a project to the beginning of construction. Truthfully, this process can take anywhere between 6 to 12 months if planning/LBC and warrant are required. However, this reduces to just 3-5 months if only a warrant is required. And remember, this is before even before the first foundation is dug. There are many elements to consider, from choosing a design to obtaining all necessary permissions and consents.

Constraints and Regulations

The journey starts with exploring design options. Working closely with an architectural technologist, your dreams can be transformed into feasible plans that consider practicalities such as space availability, budget constraints, and Scottish building regulations. This stage alone can span several months, involving consultations, plan revisions, and finalisations.

Be Prepared

Securing statutory consents in Scotland is an integral part of the process. These include planning permissions, listed building consents (LBCs), and building warrants. These are official permissions from the local council, which ensure that your proposed project complies with Scottish building regulations, conserves the character of any listed buildings, and is in line with all planning policies. These processes can be complex and lengthy, often taking several weeks or even months to complete.

The Right Tools For The Job

Next, you’ll need to secure a building contractor to carry out the construction work. This involves obtaining and comparing quotes, scrutinising portfolios, and checking references. Getting the contractor you prefer can be competitive, especially in a busy market. By obtaining your statutory consent ahead of time, you’ll be ahead of the game when it comes to securing the contractor of your choice.

The Early Bird...

If you’re considering a project within the next couple of years, it’s important to start this process now. By being proactive, you eliminate time pressure and increase your options. With your statutory consents in place, you gain a head-start in securing a contractor, allowing you to engage their services before others.

3 Years Of Cushion

It’s also important to note that consents in Scotland are valid for three years and can easily be extended beyond this. By obtaining consent early, you not only ensure a smoother planning process but also gain flexibility to adjust your timelines if needed.

Marathon Not A Sprint

In conclusion, the journey from project conception to construction commencement is a marathon, not a sprint. The timeline may seem daunting, but the benefits of early planning are invaluable. By being proactive, you have the chance to design your dream project, secure the necessary consent, and hire your preferred contractor without unnecessary stress or pressure.

Early Mover Advantage

Don’t let the timeframes catch you off guard – be proactive, and take the first step towards bringing your dream project to life today.

Key Takeaways

  • The journey from project conception to construction commencement can take anywhere between 6 to 12 months if planning/LBC and warrant are required, highlighting the need for early planning and foresight.
  • This is reduced to anywhere between 3 to 5 months if only a warrant is required. Early action helps us to know exactly what you’ll need and will make timelines more clear, quicker.
  • Statutory consents in Scotland are valid for three years and can be extended, offering flexibility in project timelines and reducing pressure on the construction process.

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